It all starts in the soil: Natural agriculture.

It all starts in the soil: Natural agriculture.

Home Articles It all starts in the soil: Natural agriculture.

At present, croplands are increasingly worn down because of excessive work, the exploitation of intensive and extremely aggressive agriculture, and not to mention over-fertilization, which also causes the degradation and pollution of both the soil and water tables, thus greatly contributing to global warming.

For this reason, farmers and companies involved in the agri-food supply chain, such as Mycsa AG, direct their efforts towards rethinking the entire food production system, working on a daily business to find solutions that benefit agriculture and are conducive to a prompt reversal to history.

It is important to note that the use of a few contemporary techniques includes the use of highly agrochemical pollutants that contribute to global warming, which makes agriculture responsible for a third of the gases produced.

At Mycsa AG, we care about the health of both the Earth and our consumers. We think of a regenerative and more natural agriculture that avoids the use of chemical fertilizers, an agriculture that includes high levels of nitrogen in the production of increasingly organic food. Our goal is to generate holistic production systems, where the synchrony with what we work in croplands undoubtedly enables an enhanced coexistence with nature.

“Stopping the state of degradation of our current system does not suffice. We need to be resilient and, thus, return our soil to how it used to be and to the previous systems” (Steve Rosenzweig).

In search of positive outcomes in adverse situations, Rosenzweig’s quote invites us to consolidate the concept of thinking about a more organic, natural and regenerative agriculture. For this, we need to consider that it all starts in the soil. The soil is full of life, with insects, bacteria, fungi and many other microorganisms that decompose organic matter and recycle all minerals, which are then absorbed by plants, having the effect of sustaining and maintaining soil carbon.

It is a known fact that, when the soil is exploited and overworked, many nutrients are lost and more greenhouse gases are produced, but the same things happens when chemical fertilizers are used in excess, especially nitrogen fertilizers, which are only used between 30% and 60%.

Taking into account some of the recommendations listed below is key to improve the quality of soil used for agriculture:

  • All production units (including ranches and farms) have different requirements. They are all different from each other, as are the works carried out in each.
  • Reducing soil degradation, avoiding excessive use of machinery and fertilizers in excess is essential.
  • To the extent possible, avoiding monoculture is a priority.
  • Try to keep roots alive during all cycles.
  • Cover and protect the soil with organic matter obtained from previous crops.

Lastly but not least, it should be noted that the use of humic and fulvic acids and algae for agriculture, help to:

  • Give the soil a better structure.
  • Promote aeration.
  • Promote permeability.
  • Improve the quality of organic matter availability.
  • Speed up decomposition.

Furthermore, in the case of sandy soil, the cation exchange capacity and soil water holding capacity is increased; soil acidity tends to be neutralized and the toxicity of certain elements is reduced; and, lastly, alkaline soils buffer the high pH and transfer greater oligonutrients to plants.


Guardian Labs team/General Mills. From the ground up: Regenerative agriculture revives farmland while curbing climate change. Retrieved from

Lymbery, P. (2017). The true cost of cheap meat. Madrid: Alianza Editorial S.A., Madrid.

Organic Directory & Resource Guide. The stamp of organic integrity. The premier Guide to sourcing Organic 2020. Available at